Healing crystals have been used for thousands of years as protective talismans, to cure ailments and to restore balance to the mind, body and soul. When worn or used near the chakras, or energy centers of the body, the healing power of crystals helps to release trapped and negative energy. This enables the body to both heal and strengthen itself. There are numerous varieties of healing crystals meanings, each possessing its own unique vibration, color, shape and healing energy.
Healing crystals can help with a vast variety of common conditions and physical issues—plus they make a fantastic addition to your home! For aches and pains, try yellow jasper and amethyst. For addictions, try smoky quartz. For back trouble, try wearing lapis lazuli healing crystal jewelry or placing lapis lazuli stones on your back.
At GalactiKonsciousness we have tons of healing crystal treasures that you will love! We have amethyst crystals, crystal spheres, crystal healing bags, energy tools, feng shui crystals, quartz crystals, tumbled stones, smudge sticks and more. Find the healing crystals and energy tools that are just right for you and your home.
It's lovely - a beautiful piece and very well put together. Thank you.
GalactiKonsciousness is a crystal company who believes that the Earth is the common link we all universally share. Using crystals and embodying a mindful lifestyle allows you to align your body with the energy of the Earth, which vibrates at the highest energy, LOVE. We provide empowering tools, inspirational insight and powerful rituals to assist you on your spiritual journey. Be mindful. Raise your vibration. And feel your inner light shine. LOVE is truly in the Earth. We offer HIGH QUALITY CRYSTALS ... choose a Crystal That's Right For You!